REST entry page

This is the entry page for the REST API to access data for Soilgrids. PLEASE BE AWARE: The REST API v2.0 is still under active development (beta stage). Occasional issues and downtimes may occur. This service does not come with a guarantee of uptime or any other types of support.

Fair Use Policy:

In order to maintain optimal performance of our API and ensure that all partners and customers have a good experience we urge all developers to consider and optimise their calls and flows. Fair use is defined as 5 API calls per 1 minute period.

More information about SoilGrids and other ways to access the data can be found here


If you have any REST specific questions or problems please Contact us We aim to reply within 5 working days on best effort.

Other information:

ISRIC data and software policy can be found here

SoilGrids data access and citation can be found here.


Soilgrids OpenAPI docs: